Our Impact to Date
financial decision-makers
accessed the award-winning Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker to understand private capital flows into relevant solutions

from across the value chain represented at thematic convenings and key partners onboarded in the launch year of the Responsible Sourcing Initiative

of ocean-bound plastic collectively diverted by members of NextWave Plastics, a consortium of multinational companies

utilized our GHG calculator, PLACES to access data on the climate impact of plastic waste management practices in six countries in Asia

Circularity Assessment Protocol (CAP) reports
developed to support the strategies of 12 cities in Asia and Latin America as part of the Urban Ocean® program

Hiding in Plain Sight: The Apparel Industry’s Contribution to Plastic Pollution
In June, a group of researchers published a paper in Nature Communications in which they estimated the apparel sector’s contribution to plastic pollution - a whopping 8.3 million tons, or 14% of all plastic waste. While there has been considerable attention to microfiber pollution from synthetic textiles such as polyester and nylon, this study - to my knowledge - is the first estimate of “macro” plastic pollution from apparel, the vast majority of which comes from discarded apparel after consumer use.

Collaborators & Supporters
700 kilograms
of plastic enters the environment every second
Let’s collaborate to reduce plastic pollution and advance inclusive and circular economies.
Get in Touch*Source: OECD, 2022, Global Plastics Outlook: Policy Scenarios to 2060